A Light for Our Times:


Conference in Washington, D.C. | Oct. 18-20, 2024

Emperor, Military Commander, Husband, Father, Saint—Blessed Karl (Charles) of Austria, the last emperor of the Austro-Hungarian empire, was all these and much more. This unique Conference will be a time of celebration, inspiration, reflection, discussion and prayer in honor of Blessed Karl. In the various events, we will explore how the life and legacy of this saintly ruler—in continuity with other great leaders throughout history—shed light and inspiration on the challenges we face today. Prominent scholars, clergy, and cultural figures will showcase the radiant witness of his approach to leadership, and how it can help each one of us in our own quest to be wise and faithful leaders.

Below, you will find information concerning our inspiring speakers & participants, our magnificent musical events, and practical details.


Musical Offerings

Under the direction of Paul Jernberg, the weekend will feature the Wyoming Catholic College Choir, the Cor Unum Artists, a professional choral ensemble based in Washington, DC., and the Washington Chamber Orchestra led by Maestro Jun Kim.

  • Concert with combined choirs and the Washington Chamber Orchestra, at St. Joseph's on Capitol Hill, featuring works by Lassus, Viadana, J.S. Bach, and the Te Deum No. 2 of F.J. Haydn.

  • Solemn sung Mass (novus ordo) at St. Mary Mother of God Parish, which will be the occasion for the premiere of the Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl of Austria. The combined choirs will be singing.

  • Sung Roman Vespers service led by the Wyoming Catholic College Choir, with musical settings of the text by Paul Jernberg (location to be announced.)

  • fully sung Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom at the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine, with members of the Wyoming Catholic College Choir.

  • Sunday, 10:30 am - Solemn sung Mass (novus ordo) at St. Joseph's on Capitol Hill, with music led by the combined choirs.

Excerpt of the Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl of Austria, by Paul Jernberg, featuring the Cor Unum Artists.


  • Friday

    October 18

    participants arrive

    • 6:45 pm - Choral and Orchestral Concert at St. Joseph's on Capitol Hill, featuring the Te Deum No. 2 of F.J. Haydn

    • 7:30 pm - Formal dinner with keynote speaker [location to be announced soon]

  • Saturday

    October 19

    ▪ 10:30 am - Solemn sung Mass (novus ordo) at St. Mary Mother of God Parish, featuring the occasion for the premiere of the Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl of Austria

    ▪ 11:45 am - Reception following Mass with Princess Maria-Anna Galitzine, granddaughter of Blessed Karl

    ▪ 1:30 - 5:30 pm - Presentations and first panel discussion

    ▪ 5:30 pm - Sung Vespers service

  • Sunday

    October 20

    ▪ 9:00 am - Byzantine Catholic Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom at the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family

    or alternatively

    ▪ 10:30 am - Solemn sung Mass (novus ordo) at St. Joseph's on Capitol Hill

    ▪ 1:30 – 5:00 pm - Presentations, second panel discussion, and conference Conclusion

Further Information

  • The conference will take place at:

    • St. Joseph's on Capitol Hill, 313 2nd St NE, Washington, DC

    • St. Mary Mother of God Parish (location of the Blessed Karl Shrine), 727 5th St NW, Washington, DC

    • Further locations to be announced!

    • Friday evening formal dinner only: $125

    • Saturday only: $75

    • Sunday only: $75

    • Entire Conference, including Friday formal dinner: $200

  • Register for the conference here! For further questions, direct inquiries to Suzanne Pearson at sdpearson@verizon.net

  • The Friday formal dinner at 7:30 pm is part of the conference package (more information on it coming soon). Otherwise, meals will be taken independent of the Conference. A list of fine local restaurants will be provided.

  • For further information about Blessed Karl, visit emperorcharles.org!

Click below to help with conference expenses, or to enable someone to attend.

Conference Sponsors